글 수: 2    업데이트: 23-12-26 13:25


작가노트 _en
관리자 | 조회 91
My still life paintings, which capture the various traces and memories of our lives,

are not simply a pursuit of beauty but an attempt to draw out my inner thoughts

and emotions through them.

It could be the scent of a flower, the essence.. or a faint breath, of someone who

was once with the object.

Through color and composition, I wanted to metaphorically express the messages...

and thoughts of the subjects of the paintings but did not want to attempt to explain

them explicitly. 

The color blue, which I have been using in my recent work, is also a color that 

represents me.

This blue, which is cold yet deep and warm, combined with the blue-and-white 

porcelain adds depth of thought and draws me into another space.

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